Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What do we do with your personal information?

We will use your email address to send you an email confirmation of your purchase.

While you are on our website our site, we record automatically the IP address you use to access our site. This allows us to know how your computer operates and the browser you are using.

If we are able to accept your request, we will receive emails informing you of updates on our products as well as details about our store.

Section 2: Consent

Does anyone know of a better method to obtain my approval than to ask me?

In providing the company with your personal data to complete a transaction online, make a purchase, confirm a credit card and arrange the delivery, exchange or return of the product, or be reimbursed, you indicate that you are in agreement with collecting and using your personal information solely for this purpose.

You will get asked to sign a consent form immediately, or you will be given the option of declining if your data is needed in ways that aren\’t related. For example, marketing.

Section 3: Disclosure

We may have disclose personal data when we are compelled by law to disclose it or if you infringe our Terms of Service.

Section 4. SECTION 4

The third-party service providers us use generally gather, store and transfer your information in the extent required to provide the services to us.

Certain third-party service providers, such as payment processors and payment gateways have privacy policies which regulate the data we have to disclose in order for the transaction to go through.

It is crucial to read privacy guidelines and know how they deal with your personal information.

The providers you choose to use may not be located, or have facilities that are different to those of us. When you conduct a transaction using the services of a third-party provider, the data that you supply could fall within regulations that are applicable to the regions where the company\’s headquarters are located or is operating.

Section 5. SECURITY

We employ all the reasonable means to safeguard the information you give us.

The entire credit card information is stored in a secure way and sent with AES 256 encrypted encryption. Although no transmission method or electronic storage system is guaranteed to provide 100% security, we follow the PCI DSS and similar industry requirements.


In using this website by using this website, you warrant that you are at least the required age in your state or province of your residence. or you have provided permission to minors who depend on the use of this website.